Pink Dogwood on Base

Our truly final event this carving/teaching year (2011) is now officially on Saturday, November 19, 2011, from 9a.m. til noon (or maybe longer). This is by invitation only to six carvers max and is free-of-charge.  Our one-day-project is to fabricate a small Dogwood branch with leaves and blossoms.

This will entail cutting and soldering brass rods, leaf cut-outs and blossom-cut-outs. It will also involve some epoxy.  We made the pictured base with pink blossoms and no leaves. We’ve made previous bases with Dogwood leaves and buds without blossoms. This time, we’ll strive for both!

The object is to improve and develop our soldering skills as well as as bases for our future bird-carvings.

Happy birding and carving,   Bill

Bald Eagle #3

Bald Eagle #3