Archive for May, 2009

*Notice of Class Schedule Changes for the Rest of This Year

Greetings Carvers:  due to lack of interest, the recession, etc., We have been obliged to cancel our class on the Great Horned Owl, which was to commence on June 6th.   We have chosen to re-schedule our previously scheduled Fall/Winter Class as a Summer/Fall Class: The Bob-white Quail quailbw2-lcommencing on the 18th of July. Feel free to check further on our Blog Pages: “Calendar of Events” and “Schedule of Classes for 2009”, as well. They are up-to-date.  Our “Carve-Ins” are also scheduled on the Calendar of Events. They will end for this year on or before December 17th. All dates are subject to change; and, you know how much I hate changes.



Happy birding and carving,  Bill


*Checkout My Newest Library Page

I’ve opened my newest Blog Page recently and am still in the process of adding entries for every book in my personal Woodcarving Library. Believe me, this “isn’t a ‘Lending’ Library;”!  Go to the “Pages” Menu on the right and “click”: “My Woodcarving Library”. I put great importance to the benefit these books and publications have afforded me over the last 2+ decades of Wildfowl Woodcarving. It occured to me that others might benefit from learning what they are. The following is the “Forward” for that new page.

I took classes three times in my first year of woodcarving.  These were from Carver/Teacher Bob Wening. Bob was good at introducing a “Newby” to the basics. He mentored me by persuading me to enter my first Woodcarving Show in Troy, OH in 1988. He “Snatched” me from my Show-Table in Columbus, OH in 1989 to “Fill-in” as Demonstrator in Power-Carving Demo because his scheduled Demonstrator hadn’t shown-up. I gave the “talk”  &  did the “walk”!  That same year, he recruited me to fill-in for him for two weeks, teaching his class on the Peregrine Falcon while he left town on a business-trip.  He was a good mentor. After that first year and until last year, I’ve learned very much from the following list of books in my library. I consult them continously. It’s like having the “Masters” in my shop when I need them.  And about last year, I enrolled in Bob Guge’s 2-Day Nuthatch Workshop while we were at the Sauder Village Woodcarving Show in Archbold, OH. It took Bob Guge to drag me out of my Library. Enjoy….


Happy birding and carving, Bill


*Check out my Guestbook!

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*Meet Marilyn Gulker

Marilyn Gulker, Mr. G.B.H & Bill

Marilyn Gulker, Mr. G.B.H & Bill

Marilyn Gulker& June painting the Great Blue Heron
Marilyn Gulker& June painting the Great Blue Heron


Marilyn Gulker & June


 Some time ago at a Woodcarving Show, Marilyn Gulker saw our exhibit and picked-up one of our cards. Her husband Bill was also a woodcarver who  passed away a few years ago.  Bill was very acomplished as a carver and was just geting into “Power” carving and even “Airbrush” painting. He liked to carve many things which included birds. He left Marilyn with his collections of tools, basswood, woodcarving magazines and a host of finished & unfinished woodcarvings. She brought a few of each of the woodcarvings with her on her visit to das Hamonhaus yesterday. I was gifted  by her with a basswood-blank for a “Bass:”! That’s a “FISH” you know. I guess stranger things have happened to me which altered my wood-carving in diferent ways. “IF”,I ever carve that fish!  Please, someone, let me know what the “Best”  book is on the subject and any other helpful fish-carving tips. The other “Bird Carver’s” would make fun of me, etc. Remember what happened to Master Bird Carver Buell Burns when the same thing befell him! He became Master Fish Carver Buel Burns.Great Blue Heron (l/s) by: Bill & Marilyn Gulker

Anyway, Marilyn, who lives in Ottawa, OH, had recently contacted June to investigate the possibilities of getting some professional help in getting one of Bill’s carvings  painted. She had promised it as a gift to her brother in Oregon. (I now suspect that he might not actualy get to take delivery for a few or more years )  It happens to be a beautifully (carved by Bill)  full-sized Great Blue Heron. Marilyn came prepared to learn and to work. She assisted June , side by side, for over 10 hours to get the job done. (Better her than me) It turned out so well that I’m contemplating the same project for myself. You be the judge!

Great Blue Heron (l/s) by: Bill & Marilyn Gulker

Happy birding and carving,  Bill & June
