grampy-smacking-the-balled-hogan-3Well, it’s not been too much fun around here lately. We’re both very thankful to the young lady across the street who has a dandy snow-blower and isn’t afraid to use it! Since she has moved-in a few years ago, she hasn’t failed to clear our driveway for us (refuses payment). Heard from my golf-buddy from season before last asking if the “H&HBoys” are going to be golf-buddies again this year. He’s Hogan and I’m Hamon, tho we do tend to get confused occasionally. Couldn’t team-up last year due to my 2d open-heart surgery last March. The first was in 1991. I said “can’t wait” (I lied-too cold!). So, now I expect I know what I’ll be doing each Tues. & Fri.  Most Wed. will be our Carve-In,  here at das Hamonhaus from 4-6p.m. Most Sat. will be our classes in the mornings. Most Sundays will be church, etc. Most Mon. will be lunch and the movies with the “OWLS” of my church ($2.00 for the movie plus buttered popcorn & a coke; can’t beat it) “OWLS” are the Older, Wiser, Loving Seniors! Got it?  Sounds like a full week to me. Retirement is busier than anyone lets you know beforehand. Did I mention the “Honey-Do-List” ? “Forget about it”!

Happy birding & carving,  Bill