Commenced project November, 1993

A dilemma of the Carving Teacher is his Class Schedule.  To prepare for the next class project, the teacher must sometimes set-his own carving aside in-order to prepare for the next scheduled project.  This is certainly true of this ol’ Carvingmeister.  I have shelves crowded with almost forgotten and half-completed bird-carvings. I harbor a confidence about them all that tells me that they will turn-out much better for their wait!  Hopefully, I tend to improve a-bit with each piece that I do.  The piece (Eagle #2, piece #82) in question today was commenced by me in November, 1993.  This  happens to be exactly one year after doing Eagle #1, piece #81 and exactly 14 years before doing Eagle #3, piece #149.  Both Eagles #1 and #3 have won 2-Blue Ribbons each for being 1st Place in their categories and 1-Red Ribbon each for being 2d.  So today, I’ve dusted-off the Eagle #2 and intend to pursue it’s completion starting NOW!  What better time to do so?  Our Winter Hiatus period is at hand and I’m a-bit inspired and motivated. Who knows when this “perfect-storm” might occur again?  The “inspired part partially comes from watching a student carve qtr-scaled Bald Eagles for sons who are Eagle Scouts.  She name is Elaine Rasp,  a member of the Cincinnati Carving Guild.  Her Eagle #1 is a “stunner” and her 2d is underway to arriving at the same or better level. I got to watch her progress as her teacher. So, back to my old/new project, Eagle #2; it’s also  qtr-scaled,open-winged Bald Eagle , standing 16″ tall. The walnut base is 9 3/4″ wide by 7″ deep. The Wings, tail  and feet will be carved.  Individual flight-feathers will not!  These and the glass eyes will be inserted.  You can follow it’s step-by-step progress on this blog under the categorie “Bill’s  Special  Projects”. As you may watch, your imput, comments, questions, suggestions, etc. are encouraged.  

 Happy birding and carving.