Forever Young


Today is significant to us as the first day of our second year publishing this blog.  Our exact and actual 365 day Visitors Total  was 3200!  That’s nearly 9 visitors every day. Notice the “Hit-Counter” at the “Top-Right” of the Main/Home Page.   The Blog is set-up to NOT include any access by me to the Number Count Total!  I’m enjoying the blog very much as it is a convenience to us personally and to our woodcarving friends who read it from time to time.   If you are a Hamonhaus Carver, I hope you consult our pages which are primarily directed at you; i.e: ….My Commentary, Calendar, Class & Show Schedules, Photo Albums, etc. Also, if you happen to share interests that I might have more than personal interest in; i.e: Family, Faith, Patriotism, Sportscars, U.S.Marines,  golf, etc, feel free to share right back from time to time.  If you are a Hamonhaus Carver and  have a new bird-carving, send me an e-mail attaching a digital-photo of your carving.  I’ll add it to your portfolio page.  If you are digitally challenged, bring it over and I’ll do the deed for you.  I hope you are with us as we are planning our calendar with classes and woodcarving shows.  It’s a full agenda of three 10-week classes, Spring, Summer and Fall as well as  five Shows.  On top of that schedule, I have what you might call my “New Year’s Resolutions ” to carve “daily” as much as possible, subject to schedules and weather and to complete all of my “Special-Projects” of uncompleted woodcarvings.  I can hear a few of you laughing already. As I’ve recently mused about myself, “why slow down now when I’m just getting the hang-of-it?” 

Happy birding and carving,   Bill 

Bald Eagle #3